Release Time:2023-04-26
Publisher:Administration Office

Language: English


About the event

ShanghaiTech University in partnership with Cell Press is offering young researchers from the globe a stage to share their knowledge and expertise.

Infectious diseases have permeated and sculpted our society throughout history. This impact is currently evident from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This meeting will focus on the breadth of research exploring the challenges we face and advances we can leverage in the battle against infectious agents. By encompassing the full scope of pathogens we encounter – viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi – and incorporating research from both the host and pathogen perspectives, this meeting will feature cutting-edge research and foster scientific communication on a global scale.

Session 1:  Fighting COVID and the next pandemic 

The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 has led to a global health crisis not seen since the great 1918 influenza pandemic, highlighting the constant threat that viruses pose to human health.  This session will bring together researchers studying emerging and seasonal viral infections, such as SARS-CoV-2, influenza, Ebola, Zika, and monkeypox. Topics covered will include viral pathogenesis, immune response to infection, and transmission dynamics.

Session 2:  Treating challenging infections and therapeutic advances

In recent decades, major global efforts have been mounted to address deadly infectious diseases, such as HIV, Tb, and antibiotic resistant bacteria. Despite significant progress, these pathogens still remain serious challenges. This session will provide a forum to discuss recent advances in our understanding of these challenging infections as well as methods for their control.

Session 3:  Exploring infectious diseases with eukaryotic pathogens

Eukaryotic pathogens cause some of the most devastating and intractable diseases in humans, including malaria, toxoplasmosis, trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis, amoebiasis and worm infections.  This session aims to highlight studies on the inner workings and host responses to such diverse organisms as intracellular protozoa, helminths and fungal pathogens.


Live channels:

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Zoom meeting 

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Day 1-3: 

Keynote Speakers

Session 1: Fighting COVID and the next pandemic

Michael Diamond

The Herbert S. Gasser Professor,
Departments of Medicine,
Molecular Microbiology,
Pathology & Immunology,
Washington University

Session 2: Treating challenging infections and therapeutic advances

Pardis Sabeti

Professor Departmnt of Immunology and Infectious Diseases,
Harvard University and T.H. Chan School of Public Health

Session 3: Exploring infectious diseases with eukaryotic pathogens

Marion Pepper

Associate Professor and Chair,
Department of Immunology,
University of Washington

Organizing Committee

Organizers: ShanghaiTech University, Cell Press

Held by: SIAIS, SLST, iHuman, BME, SCRTC

Organizing Committee

Prof. YANG Haitao 

ShanghaiTech University

YANG Haitao is a Professor at ShanghaiTech University with joint appointments in Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Institute (SIAIS) and School of Life Science and Technology (SLST). He focus on  structural research and drug development of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Zika virus, SARS virus, HIV and other pathogens. Prof. YANG’s representative achievements “Structure of Mpro from SARS-CoV-2 and discovery of its inhibitors”, “Crystal structures of membrane transporter MmpL3, an anti-TB drug target” are published in prestigious international journals including Cell, Nature and Science

Prof. LIU Jia

ShanghaiTech University

LIU Jia is an Assistant Professor at ShanghaiTech University with joint appointments in Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS) and School of Life Science and Technology (SLST). The research in his laboratory involves the understanding of the cellular uptake mechanisms of macromolecules (such as viruses, extracellular vesicles, proteins, nucleic acids) and, by doing so, the development of next-generation drug delivery technologies. Dr. LIU Jia’s achievements include the development of cell surface protein-focused CRISPR screening method (or so-called Surfaceome CRISPR Screen), development of zinc-finger protein (ZFP)-based macromolecule drug delivery technology (including a startup biotech company) and commercialization of the world’s second, China’s first CRISPR-based diagnostic kit (for SARS-CoV-2 detection).

Dr. Jodi Gullicksrud

Immunity, Cell Press

Jodi earned her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa, where she studied transcriptional regulation of T cell differentiation in the laboratory of Dr. Hai-Hui Xue. Her postdoctoral research on immune responses to the intestinal parasite, Cryptosporidium, was performed under the joint mentorship of Dr. Chris Hunter and Dr. Boris Striepen at the University of Pennsylvania. Jodi joined the editorial staff at Immunity in 2020.

Dr. Lorri Marek 

Cell Reports, Cell Press

Lorri Marek received her Ph.D. from Yale University in genetics, where she focused on understanding the function of a particular subset of cancer predisposition genes and their role in the DNA damage response.  She then moved to Boston Children’s Hospital – Harvard University as a postdoctoral fellow to investigate the evolutionarily conserved roles for innate immune signaling adaptors.  She joined Cell Press in 2021, as a scientific editor at Cell Reports.

Dr. SUN Yongmei

iScience, Cell Press

Yongmei is a Scientific Editor at iScience. She was a visiting researcher of University of Zurich in 2012-2013. She received her Ph.D. degree from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in 2018, focusing on the vulnerability of drug addiction. After staying in Europe for 6 years, she started her post-doc training in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, CAS, and after that became an assistant professor there. Before joining Cell Press, Yongmei worked in a CRO company for a short period. Yongmei has broad interests in Science and Technology and handles manuscripts that covers Biology Sciences and Health sciences.

Scientific Consultant

Dr. Bruce Koppelman

Immunity,Cell Press

Bruce Koppelman did scientific training at Duke University Medical Center, University of California at San Francisco and the former DNAX Research Institute in Palo Alto, California. After working for six years as a Senior Research Scientist in industry, Dr. Koppelman joined the scientific editorial staff at Cell Press where he is currently a Senior Editor with Immunity.
