On April 29th, 2021, a ground-breaking research hospital was launched at the heart of Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai - Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center, the Research Hospital of ShanghaiTech University. It is an academic health center supported by a broad and deep array of resources from the Shanghai Municipal Government, Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, and ShanghaiTech University. The hospital aims to be an innovative leader in healthcare through seamlessly connected evidence-based clinical practice and value-based research. This 136,895 sq. m. research hospital will have 500 beds, 300 of which will be dedicated to research, with a plan to increase to 1,000 beds as the hospital develops.

Patient-Centered, Disease-Focused

Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center will offer a broad range of health care services, backed by highly integrated care teams, top researchers, and advanced technologies. To ensure comprehensive patient care, the hospital has adopted an innovative operation mode by establishing six Disease Diagnosis and Treatment Centers, each with a specific focus on 1) Tumor, 2) Neurological diseases, 3) Pan-vascular diseases, 4) Respiratory system diseases, 5) Rheumatic, Immune and Musculoskeletal diseases, and 6) Sensory system diseases. In the disease centers, multidisciplinary teams of specialists will work closely together to offer patients the optimal therapies and continuous clinical services; new methods for diagnosis and treatment will be studied and tested by disease-focused teams, and patients will therefore better benefit from the latest medical advances. As a standard practice, patients will be coordinated by case managers and involved in care decisions across the entire care continuum.

Bedside to Bench to Bedside

Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center was founded to bring together clinical application and research under one roof, thereby enabling the rapid transfer of new research findings into new advances in patient care.

As a young and vibrant university, ShanghaiTech University is thriving in basic and translational research. Embedded within the University, the hospital can seamlessly link to the Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies, the iHuman Institute, the School of Life Science and Technology, the School of Biomedical Engineering, the School of Information Science and Technology, the School of Physical Science and Technology,and many other academic resources that are traditionally outside the realm of healthcare to foster interdisciplinary interactions.

On the other side of the research paradigm, the hospital is committed to creating an environment that empowers investigators to initiate clinical studies, taking the clinical problem to the laboratory bench, and bringing back new diagnostics and therapeutics to the patient’s bedside. In addition, the hospital will actively initiate and participate in clinical trails to identify more-effective therapies and cures.

A Hub of Discovery & Translation

With the belief that innovation comes from collaboration, Shanghai Clinical Research and Trial Center highly values openness and inclusiveness and strives to boost internal and external collaboration. Based on the collaborative platform for clinical research and translational medicine of ShanghaiTech University, the hospital will pioneer collaborative research by strengthening wider partnerships with other top-tier hospitals, research institutions, and industries, and building an open and shared research hub where internal and external investigators can interact, collaborate, and utilize the top-notch core facilities.




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