Topic: What ChatGPT/GPT-4 tells about artificial general intelligence (AGI): core technologies and brain science perspectives
Speaker: Professor LIU Tianming, School of Computing, University of Georgia (UGA)
Date and time: 20:00–21:30, March 30
Venue: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 588 380 5942 Password: 123456
Host: CUI Zhiming
ChatGPT and GPT-4 have demonstrated remarkable performance in many natural language processing (NLP), reasoning, content generation, and multimodal tasks, particularly, in zero-shot learning settings. In some sense, ChatGPT/GPT-4 already exhibits human intelligence traits, or artificial general intelligence (AGI). In this talk, Prof. LIU will share his understanding of core technologies in ChatGPT/GPT-4 including large language models (LLM), in-context learning, prompt engineering, reinforcement learning from human feedback, and multimodal integration, and he will also offer brain science perspectives to these innovative methodologies. Two of his recent research papers on ChatGPT/GPT-4 (arXiv: 2303.11032 and arXiv: 2302.13007) will be discussed as examples.
Dr. LIU Tianming is Distinguished Research Professor and Full Professor of Computer Science at University of Georgia. Dr. LIU’s research interests are brain imaging, computational neuroscience, and brain-inspired artificial intelligence. He published 400+ research papers on these topics, his Google citation is over 10,000+, and his H-index is 54. He is the recipient of NIH Career Award and NSF CAREER Award, and serves on the editorial boards of multiple international journals including Medical Image Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, and IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. Dr. LIU is a Fellow of AIMBE (American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering) and was the General Chair of MICCAI 2019.